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What a load of Rubbish!

The rise in criminal gangs stealing idenitiy information is on the rise and suggested preventions are centred around being safe online. But, did you know that simply locking your domestic bin could prevent your personal information being stolen and this could help tackle the £3.3 billion hit that identity theft has on the UK Economy.

An experienced crook can easily access a whole neighbourhood's personal data in one night and find everything from your name, address, banks details and even your signature by rooting through your waste. A simple solution to this, would be to allocate locks onto new or exisiting domestic waste bins and research is curently being undertaken to find the most cost effective way of implimenting it. This process is already widely used in the clinical waste industry and cost around £40 more than the conventional bin.

With the help of banks and insurance companies who ultimately currently pay the price for identity theft, it may not be long until we add another key to our household bunch.


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